Sunday, November 25, 2007

be a dream builder

in my life, i come across a lot people who each has a dream in their life
but many told me it hard to realise them
some trying hard to live to their dream
unfortunately, many give up half way
but let me tell you, don't give up people
it may be hard, but endure
those who endure to the last, shall be save
some may told me, i tried so hard, yet there's no result
"im tired", "im just so little", im just a young boy/girl, what can i do?"
no one is too young to do great things
believe in yourself, the power of believe will take you into great heights
to turn dreams into reality
got to do with our mind
change the way you think

some may come across people who despite their dreams
they would said, "c'mon, face the reality!"
some may said, "stop dreaming, it just too big for you"
friends, don't be limited by them
you set your own boundaries
you are the driver of your life
you take control =)
dare to dream, dare to dream big, let no one stop you from dreaming
dream killers are always out there
be strong in your thinking, in your mindset, in your spirit

to be honest, i recently had a big discourage about my own dream
i find myself so weak in school work, i can't do well, just can't present
nothing seems to go in the right way
brain blockage, laziness, no motivation, everythings seems to be against me
fallen apart
and i doubt about my own dream
will i realise my dream one day
for a moment, i nearly gave up
"it's the end, face the reality yuze"
its been a struggle this week and many things just don't work
i ask God, "help me, are you there?"
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just no reply
today service was great
Mark 10:27 "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible."
again in Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing will be impossible."
He will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert

just wanna encourage that, continue to dream
continue to visualise that you had realise your dream
don't be afraid of what others may said
live to your dream(s)
may all your dreams come true
be a dream builder!

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